They were all happy to give Justin something to play with.
Later, we went back to arrange the flowers on the grave.
This is the poem that I wrote the day I came home from the hospital. It was also on the back of the program.
By Becky S. Orr
You were born so small and fragile.
A tiny, perfect little doll.
Ten little fingers and ten little toes,
To help make up our beautiful boy.
My arms ache to hold you again.
To feel your tiny hand in mine,
To kiss your sweet, handsome face,
To hold your body close to mine,
To always keep you with me,
And never again let you go.
But the Lord decided
You were too special to Him,
And before I had a chance
To show you to the world,
He called you back
To be in His loving arms.
Born too soon before your time,
You will forever stay in our hearts.
We set out to have a child,
But gave birth to an angel.
In loving memory:
Justin David Orr
Born Silently
October 21, 2008
I am so grateful for our Heavenly Father's love and truly know that everything happens for a reason. I love you all and God bless!